Thursday, 19 May 2016

robot is everything by chong jing xuan

Robots can do so many things, but they just don't have human innovation and intelligence. They are just machines for following directions, so they will only do what a human tells them to. I think humans will always have the upper hand when it comes to robots, so they won't ever take over the world.

by: Chong  Jing Xuan


Robots Aren't Intelligent

Robots can do so many things, but they just don't have human innovation and intelligence. They are just machines for following directions, so they will only do what a human tells them to. I think humans will always have the upper hand when it comes to robots, so they won't ever take over the world.

this is a robot programed to play football,so not only human's the one who play football.

some humans did not had arms, so they put robot arms.but it was very expensive,one pair could cost more than 100,00000$

                                                                                     everything by:  Chong Jing Xuan from 5s

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